AJS Publications is your partner for teaching constitution and citizenship units. Our low cost, high quality educational materials are always fresh and updated, making it the choice of schools across the country.  

The Source to Refresh Your Curriculum <> Easily Coupled with other Civics Education and On-line Resources

AJS Publications has been providing low-cost, high-quality educational materials on the constitution, citizenship, and government for over 60 years. The content and format make it one of the most popular workbooks on the market. Our materials are used by teachers across the country to meet state and federal curriculum requirements. The materials are always fresh, updated regularly to include the latest government officials, legislation, and relevant constitutional topics.

Our Federal and State Constitutions is a concise 88-page streamlined worktext tailored to fulfill the required study of constitution and government units. The materials are written in an easy-to-read and understandable format for students of all ages and abilities. It is used in various classrooms, ranging from elementary to high schools, junior colleges, and adult education. Now available, separate worktext for the Federal Constitution (64-pages) and State Constitutions (40-pages). Teacher materials and testing program are FREE for orders of 20 or more student copies!

Our Constitution, Your Citizenship is a new 64-page worktext to support the study of United States Citizenship. This enhanced guide covers all the subjects covered in the national test. A sampling includes the key events and extraordinary individuals that shaped our nation, the structure of our government, our national holidays and celebrations, our constitution and amendments, and much more. The materials are written for all levels and abilities of middle and high school students. Review questions and self-tests help reinforce the concepts of the work text. Teacher materials and testing program are FREE for orders of 20 or more student copies!

The U.S. Constitution - A Pocket Guide for Students of All Ages is an easy-to-use reference tool for class use. The guide contains the complete text of two core documents of American democracy: the U.S. Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. This four-color guide is 4” x 6” and allows easy storage in your pocket, briefcase, or backpack. Please review the table of contents, and you will see it is packed with valuable information for students of all ages at a reasonable price.

Do you need a digital version or eBook of any of our materials? AJS Publications has partnered with EdTech to provide our Constitution and Citizenship materials in a digital format. Perfect for schools utilizing Chromebooks or iPads in one-to-one programs. Our team will aid in the school setup, support, and management of digital content. To purchase a digital edition immediately, click the link attached to each worktext. We offer special pricing for entire school or classroom quantities for eBook only or coupling with our print edition. Teachers can add content to enrich the learning experience, such as quizzes, images, YouTube videos, audio files, worksheets, and more. Please contact us for additional information or to schedule a demo.

Our Worktext

Our Federal and State Constitutions  is a concise 88-page streamlined worktext tailored to fulfill the required study of both the federal and your state constitutions (and government).

Accompanying Materials

There are several other tools that will aid in your teaching of government and constitution units. Accompanying materials include posters, crossword puzzles, tutorial testing software, and card games.

U.S. Constitution Phone-sized Guide Now Available!

A 64-page, low-cost pocket (or phone) sized guide that contains the U.S. Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. This four-color, 4” x 6” guide is formatted to show the exact wording of the U.S. Constitution along with a simple analysis.

Our Best Selling Materials....

The New 2025 Post-Election Edition is now available!

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New 2025 student worktext is NOW available!

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New 2025 Edition is Now Available!

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New 2025 Edition Now Available!

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New 2025 Edition Now Available!

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Newy revised and expanded 2025 edition now available!

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Newly revised and expanded edition now available!

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As low as $5.95 each!

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